
I'll Never Have That Recipe Again

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Задание 1.

... love is all you need!

Задание 2.

That was ... good advice.

Задание 3.

... money won't buy you ... happiness.

Задание 4.

I'll never forget that day when he presented me with ... beautiful charm.

Задание 5.

She was ... woman of ... charm.

Задание 6.

Can you give me ... glass of water?

Задание 7.

I saw ... glass on the floor. My cat must have broken ... window.

Задание 8.

What is your favorite sort of ... coffee?

Задание 9.

We live in ... Milky Way Galaxy.

Задание 10.

Great Britain is situated to ... north-west Continent Europe.

Задание 11.

He visits his grandmother once in ... blue moon.

Задание 12.

... Mars is ... fourth planet in our Solar System.

Задание 13.

I can't talk to you now! I am at ... work!

Задание 14.

... East or West – ... home is best!

Задание 15.

Sally's son goes to ... prestigious school in Pittsburg.

Задание 16.

"Five more minutes and you'd better go to ... bed immediately!"

Задание 17.

One of the tourists' favorite places of destination is ... British Museum.

Задание 18.

She's been to St Petersburg several times but she's never visited ... Hermitage.

Задание 19.

What is your favorite song by ... Beatles?

Задание 20.

Have you heard that ... ABBA is going to give one more concert?

Задание 21.

Which newspaper do you like more ... Times or ... Today?

Задание 22.

... Red Cross organization helps people around ... world.

Задание 23.

... Supreme Court of the United States is ... highest judicial power of the USA.

Задание 24.

... Palace of Westminster is commonly known as ... Houses of Parliament.

Задание 25.

Some people think that ... Great Wall of China can be seen from ... space.

Задание 26.

... Wall Street is ... financial center of our world.

Задание 27.

Wow! ... Kennedy Airport is ... biggest airport I have ever been to.

Задание 28.

... Buckingham Palace is the official London residence and principal workplace of ... British monarch.

Задание 29.

See you ... next Monday!

Задание 30.

Do you speak ... Spanish language?

Задание 31.

... Penguins live on ... South Pole.

Задание 32.

... Crimea Peninsula is washed by ... Black Sea.

Задание 33.

... Netherlands is a constituent country of ... Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Задание 34.

... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on ... Earth.

Задание 35.

... United Arab Emirates is said to be one of the most developed countries.

Задание 36.

... Great Lakes are located in ... USA.

Задание 37.

I would like to spend my holidays on ... Bahamas.

Задание 38.

... Alps are one of the great mountain range systems of ... Europe.

Задание 39.

... city of Rome is the capital of ... Italy.

Задание 40.

... certain Belikov sent you ... e-mail.

Задание 41.

... Jones family moved to this house 7 years ago.

Задание 42.

His small collection of paintings has even ... Van Gogh.

Задание 43.

Poor thing, she works like ... Cinderella.

Задание 44.

"Yesterday I saw George Martin at the shop!" "Wait a minute! Do you mean ... George Martin?!"

Задание 45.

Peter ... Great is one of the most famous personalities of Russian history.

Задание 46.

... President Obama visited some local orphanages.

Задание 47.

"You are not ... Peter Smith I used to know!"

Задание 48.

... Doctor Brenan is a cardiac surgeon.

Задание 49.

... Queen of England doesn't have much power now.

Задание 50.

Mine is ... Apple, not some Sony!

I'll Never Have That Recipe Again


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